Dabble is always my first choice for all coloring activities. Since my kid enjoys art activities I started searching about toxin free and child safe colours and I found Dabble which is super easy to wash and I can just sit back and relax. What else do we need as mothers right? So let your kids make all the mess because Dabble hai na !
I introduced colours to Aarav for the first time through Dabble finger paints. So my son enjoys art works and we spend Sundays doing paintings and what not!!! We use Dabble finger paints to paint vegetables, fruits, pots in our balcony and even wall of our balcony. So he is always looking forward to Sundays because he gets to paint. His little tiny hands on our pots look so adorable and very very special to us.
Contributed by Pritti(Dabble Mom) and Aarav (2.5 years Dabble Champ)
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