I keep looking for ways to engage Taarini , my daughter with Dabble Paints and art with minimal contact with paint given she is still very small. Given Valentine’s Day is around the corner, we decided to do a heart art with masking tape and contactless painting. This was fairly simple, we got the Dabble canvas, bought masking tape and foam roller from a local art store, we had the Dabble paints starter kit - we were ready to go! It’s a simple fun and contact less art activity for little babies. Thank you Dabble for letting us explore the world of paints so early on! 

What will you need ?

  1. Masking Tape 
  2. Dabble Finger Paints 
  3. Dabble Canvas 
  4. Scissors 

How do Dabble?

🌈Draw an outline of a heart on the canvas 

🌈Cut masking tape into a Heart shape / as strips with scissors

🌈Place them on paper 

🌈We used a foam roller and Dabble red paint to paint all over the Canvas, my daughter had a fun time doing this . You can also use different home materials, like sponges, rolls, crushed paper etc 

🌈As an add on, I added some texture to the painting with white paint. We let it dry overnight. 

🌈The next morning,, I let me daughter peel the masking tape and she loved pulling at the tape. To her surprise, under the masking tape was a white heart!

Voila, she reveal the Beautiful Valentine Heart Tape Resist Art!! 

Happy Dabbling 🌈

Contributed by Tanushree (Dabble mom) and Taarini (Dabble Champs)

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