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Creativity In Kids

Bringing out the Artist in us!

by Dabble Playart 17 Jan 2023
Bringing out the Artist in us!

Dabble paints and crayons have been helping us explore the artistic side of us. My toddler has shown interest in holding a brush and practicing drawing circles and standing line with his red Dabble paint that he observed his teacher do at his playschool.  With so many sensory play items available in the market, I wanted to try making the coloured chickpea and rice at home. It's a super hit. I am comfortable offering Dabble to my toddler for the fact that it is easily washable and safe  💚.I can watch him enjoy the process of expressing through art while knowing the material is safe!

  • Dabble crayons have filled our notebooks with trucks and vehicles of all kind 
  • Dabble paints have been our favourite as my toddler has shown interest to hold the Dabble Paint brush and paint standing lines and circles
  • Coloured chickpea and coloured rice using dabble paints have been our favourite sensory addition !

Contributed by Megathi (Dabble Mom) Vaishravan (Dabble Champ)

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To watch this fun video of this cute lil Vaishravan... Click HERE !

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