Trust me , introducing colors to toddlers early years has a great impact and helps a lot in their brain development process.
I have introduced primary colors ( red, blue and yellow ) when my daughter was 8 months only and the only brand to trust with paints and colors is Dabble Playart for sure 😊❤️ Dabble Fingerpaints is our all time go-to-go paints for any activity that involve colors. 🎨 Now she is 4 years old and her learning and fun journey with Dabble Playart is so precious 💞 The learning is still on. This Navratri, we planned to learn more about colors. We stressed more on what each color signifies and how she feels when she think of each color. Also learnt why we associate each color everyday to different forms of Devi Durga❤️❤️
We just play, learn, enjoy and have fun with dabble paints. If you are in doubt, just dabble 🥰
I have introduced primary colors ( red, blue and yellow ) when my daughter was 8 months only and the only brand to trust with paints and colors is Dabble Playart for sure 😊❤️ Dabble Fingerpaints is our all time go-to-go paints for any activity that involve colors. 🎨 Now she is 4 years old and her learning and fun journey with Dabble Playart is so precious 💞 The learning is still on. This Navratri, we planned to learn more about colors. We stressed more on what each color signifies and how she feels when she think of each color. Also learnt why we associate each color everyday to different forms of Devi Durga❤️❤️
We just play, learn, enjoy and have fun with dabble paints. If you are in doubt, just dabble 🥰
Contributed by Shwetha Suhas (Dabble Mom) and Dhwani (Dabble Champ)
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