“What a product!!! Simply loved the innovation of Dabble to keep it child safe and taste safe for babies and toddlers. We love the Dabble Jumbo Brushes too. So good for developing pincer grip amongst toddlers!! 💚
We loved doing the colour mixing activity using Dabble's Paints in Red and yellow colour together. We loved the formation of Orange colour by mixing 2 primary colours.”
Contributed by Darshana (Dabble mom) and Dhiya (Dabble Champ)
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- Dabble believes in the philosophy of “less is more”.
- It’s mostly only adults who want more options, more colours. Children are often happy even with less.
- Having less colours helps them learn about creating new colours
- Sensory-rich, non toxic Washable from the floor and skin
- Dabble Finger Paints made from Natural goodness to enhance cognitive and motor skills while inspiring creativity in early years
- They are Non- toxic and Fun Finger paints that allows kids to be kids and makes colours your child’s best friend
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