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Christmas Craft Ideas

Christmas Activities For Kids

by Harekrishna Parikh 26 Feb 2022
Christmas Activities For Kids


Yes, it’s the most magical time of the year !! Christmas is almost here and we can all feel the festive spirit in the air !!
There’s something about this festival that is so magical and popular, especially among kids !! Maybe it’s because of Santa Claus and his reindeer, the Christmas tree with its pretty lights and decorations, the cool crisp weather, the beautifully wrapped Christmas gifts or the plum cake and the goodies .. but Christmas is special to everyone!! Christmas is the perfect time to strengthen relationships and remember the importance of having close family members.

Christmas doesn’t have to be all about expensive Christmas gifts, lavish meals, and over-indulgence. There’s a lot to be said for taking a simpler approach to the festive season. A crisp walk in the park with a loved one, followed by a hot chocolate topped with marshmallows can be great fun too.

It offers the perfect excuse to have a good time with those who matter most. Snuggle up on the sofa and watch a festive movie with your partner and kids. Or decorate the Christmas tree and cook up a lovely meal together and enjoy the true spirit of the festive season !! And what better way to celebrate the true spirit of this magical season and bond with kids than some simple and DIY Christmas activities !!

Here are 4 Christmas activities for kids and toddlers!

Christmas Activity 1 — Making Salt Snowflakes

Materials required:

- Plain Paper
Dabble Finger Paints
Dabble Chubby Brush
- Salt
- A bowl of water
Dabble Finger Paints
- Any stamps you have

How to dabble?

Pour the Finger paints on a plate . Dip the stamps in paint, the stamps could be leaves, pom poms, sponge stamps, wooden blocks, vegetables at home ,  or simply use your hands and print  on the paper !! You can make designs and patterns or just have fun and dabble away!!
Your special handmade Christmas gift wrap is ready !! Wrap up this year’s Christmas gifts with your special home made wrapping paper.

Christmas Activity 3– Making a Christmas tree with crayons

Materials required:

- Plain Papers
Dabble crayons
- Masking tape

How to dabble?

Draw a Christmas tree and cut it out according to shape. Paste it on a paper with masking tape below it, in a way that the cut out can be removed later. Colour all over the paper in patterns or just have fun with it. Remove the cut out of the tree carefully.
Voila !  Your white Christmas tree is ready !!


Materials Required

- Paper
- Dabble Finger Paints
Dabble Christmas Crayons
- Cut-out of a Christmas tree

How to Dabble:

Stick the cut-out of the Christmas tree on the paper with a masking tape.Pour some Dabble Finger paints on a plate. Dip your fingers and create colourful dots all over the paper.Cover the edges of the cutout with lots of paint dots to create the shape. Remove the cutout from the paper. Decorate the Christmas tree with Dabble crayons and hooray !!


Material Required:

- Paper Plate
- Scissors, a ribbon and a string
Dabble Chunky glue
- Dabble Finger Paints
- Dabble Christmas Crayons

    How to Dabble:

    Colour the paper plate with Dabble Finger Paints and crayons. Cut out the centre of the plate.
    Apply glue in the inner circle of the plate. Stick the pom poms in the inner circle. Make a bow with the ribbon and tie a string on the top!! Your Christmas wreath is done!!


    You can create lots of Christmas art and decorations with your kids with our toxin-free, child-safe art products. Along with being 100% fun these activities also help in developing various skills in kids such as : cognitive development, motor skills, hand-eye co-ordination , language skills etc. Remember, the whole idea while doing these Christmas Art activities is to have a lot of fun and keep the true spirit of Christmas alive !! Do try out these activities and have a Merry Christmas!!

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