My Choice is Dabble its Child Safe !!!
I choose Dabble because its Make in India. The ingredients used are child safe. Easy to clean and doesn't leave all it solves most mommy concerns. It allows us imagination and creativity.
Used chunkie crayons to start our color journey. We did lot of scribbling, free art and story telling..The Finger paints help in color recognition and mixing, A lot of independent plaY and creative activities.
We also used Dabble Finger Paint to make sensory stuff for our sensory bin play. (Play dough, colorful rice, colorfull chickpea and peas, ice painting and much more.) Lastly the Chubby brushes helped better grip, directions and stroking.
Contributed by Shruti (Dabble Mom) and Freya (Dabble Champ 2.5 yrs old)
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